Feminism. What does that word now mean to you after reading its powerful history? The women who fought throughout the 4 waves have certainly made an impression on you I hope. After all they have done nothing but bring balance to this world and give the other half of the human race their basic human rights and raise their voices to be heard among the sea of people. If feminists hadn’t broken free from the chained down life women lived, us as women would not have had a voice in this world. No right to vote, no right to have an education, no reproductive rights, no right to be treated as an equal or live free as a person. Life would have changed dramatically in the modern world we live in today for women. Just imagine life being lived like that, everyday is nothing but being below the men that surround you. And that’s why we need to appreciate the rights feminists have brought to us throughout the 4 waves, acknowledge their bravery and voice in history, and support the movement that is happening in our modern day and support the (hopefully) future feminist movements so the era will end only when our rights have all been achieved, because we need equality in this world. And that’s what feminism is about, equality. Not the hating of men and how women are better, it’s about being equal. We are all human, gender should not divide us.